The Matrix movie is a science fiction movie and the events of the entire series revolve around an underworld run by machines to control humans by locking them inside a virtual world called the Matrix, but one of the humans named Neo dreams about this world and thinks it exists but he doesn't have evidence until a legendary computer hacker contacts him The government labels him a terrorist named Morpheus, and tells him that he has rebelled against the Machines, and Neo finds himself facing the Agents who are super powerful computer programs whose goal is to stop Neo and confront any human rebellion that comes from within the world of the Matrix.
During the film, the director dyed all the scenes inside the matrix green to distinguish it from the real world, which was marked with a blue tint.
The first part of the movie The Matrix tells the story of a computer programmer named Mr. Anderson who works by day in a technology company and at night works as a hacker for computers and uses the nickname "Neo". which we see with our own eyes.
One night, a strange message comes to Neo on a computer screen, and when he traces the thread to the message, he finds himself in a nightclub, and a woman he doesn't know, Trinity, approaches him and tells him that she knows everything about him and that he's looking for the Matrix.
The next day, while Neo is at the company he works for, he receives a parcel with a mobile phone. The phone immediately rings and the person speaking is Agent Morpheus, and warns Neo that the agents are after him and that he must flee immediately.
But agents arrest him, he is taken for interrogation, and Neo demands his civil rights during the investigation but discovers that the person he is interrogating can completely hide his mouth and cannot speak, and agents place an insect-like device in his stomach by force.
Neo wakes up in his house again and then receives a call from Morpheus again and tells him that he is the one he has been searching for all his life and calls him THE ONE, arranges to meet him, sends Trinity and two other rebels to him and they take out the metal device from him making sure he wasn't dreaming.
He meets Morpheus and tells him that he was a slave of the Matrix, and offers him two pills, one red and one blue, and tells him that if he chooses blue, he will wake up in his house and will not remember anything of what happened, but if he chooses blue, he will see the truth.
Neo chooses the truth, so the room flies around him like mercury, his world melts, and he wakes up inside a bowl of jelly with plugs that connect it to a larger device, and around him, he sees millions of bowls with humans like him inside, then flying robotic insects, Neo unzips from the device, and he slips into a hole full of water.
Then he finds himself with Morpheus in the real world and rehabilitates Neo's body because his muscles have atrophied, and Morpheus tells him that they are actually in a year closer to 2199 and not 1999 as Neo knew, and he meets the crew of Morpheus' ship called "Nebuchadnezzar".
They explain to him that intruders or rebels can slip through exits that help them escape from inside the matrix and return to the real world. These exits are payphones on the streets, and Neo is connected to a computer program via wires in his head.
Morpheus explains that years ago, humans developed artificial intelligence but lost control of it. In desperation, humans chose to create a nuclear winter, believing that by blocking the sun, they could get rid of the solar energy that robots need to survive.
But robots have adapted, and now they are running the devastated world and harvesting humans for vital food, and the Matrix world is a computer-generated dream world designed to keep these humans in check.
Where humans are kept under the influence of anesthesia, they live a virtual life, Morpheus further explains that one man was born inside the Matrix and has the power to change anything in it, this man has liberated the first human minds, and the oracle has predicted his return, Morpheus believes that Neo is a reincarnation of this the person.
Neo knows that there is a realm of real humans left outside the array, called Zion, currently living in the Earth's core near the warmth of the Earth's core, and only Morpheus knows the access codes for that city.
He meets New oracles, who tell him that he is not the one they are looking for and that soon he will have to make a decision to choose between his life and Morpheus's life.
Neo learns to use his abilities in the real world inside the Matrix world to confront the agents who tried to torture Morpheus to reach the location of Zion City, but Neo can confront the agents and escape from them, telling them that he will tell everyone the truth he knew.
In the second part, the rebels led by Neo, Trinity, and Morpheus continue to lead the rebellion against the army of machines, and Neo knows that they have only 72 hours before the machines can reach the world of Zion, as they pursue them with an army of 250,000 guards of machines.
Neo, Trinity, and Morpheus decide to return to the world of the Matrix to confront them and try to stop them and save the last real human gathering on Earth.
It appears that there are other ships than Morpheus' and the captains of all the ships meet to agree to confront the army of machines, but Morpheus suggests that only one ship remains in case they are summoned by the oracle.
But Morpheus collides with Commander Locke as they disagree over the best way to confront the Machines, and Neo is finally summoned by the Oracle.
Neo knows that Oracle is not human but is just a part of the machine program that makes up the matrix and that she and her anomalous programs are either rebels, losers, or replace them with other programs, and I told him that when the program faces deletion, he can either hide or return to the source (source machines), which is the main window of the machine, where the path of any program ends.
And the source consists of light only, and that Neo has to access the source of the programs before Zion falls into the hands of the machines, and to reach the source he has to find the key maker program.
Neo and Trinity manage to reach the key maker and as the guards begin to flock to the kingdom of Zion, the key maker tells them about the door that connects them to the source, and that all units must work together to cut off the power and disable the emergency system as well, and then they have to exit the door within 314 Just a second.
During his attempt, Neo meets the Matrix engineer who designed the Perfect First Matrix, which failed because he did not understand the weak nature of the human mind.
The engineer puts Neo in front of two options, either saving Trinity and destroying Zion or letting Trinity die, but he will give Zion a chance and rebuild it from scratch. Between humans and machines is not over yet.
The Matrix Revolutions movie story
The humans prepare to confront the machines and a battle begins to defend the last city in the real world Zion against the machines that enslaved humans, and during Neo's attempt to reach the source, he discovers that Agent Smith, who has been chasing him from the beginning, has absorbed humans and machines inside the matrix and they are out of their control together and will attack the source soon.
Neo offers the Machines to stop Smith in exchange for the Machines to stop the war with Zion, while Smith uses the powers of the Oakl program to reproduce itself in hundreds of copies.
But Neo can access the source and destroy Smith, then the other copies of him vanish, with the elimination of Smith both humans and all the machines return to normal, the guards who were about to storm Zion withdrew, but Neo ends up being separated from the array and the machines carry his body away in recognition of his effort.
Finally, the Oracle is sitting in the sun, and the architect comes to meet her and tells her that she has played a very dangerous game by trying to change the way the Array works.
Oracle responds by saying it understands the risks and knows it is worth the risk. She asks the architect what will happen to any human who wants to break away from the Matrix, and the architect replies, "They will be freed."
So the oracle asks the architect, "Does he promise it?" The architect answers, “What do you think of? Am I a human?”
The closing shot depicts new dawn in the Matrix world created by little girl Sati and shows the vegetation in the matrix and the green hue that has characterized the matrix throughout the events.
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